Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ruins or Reconstruction?

Here's a good question: Which do you think is better: to leave an old castle in ruins, or to reconstruct it to look like it did during the time it was used?

Of course, it's more fun to visit a castle that has been reconstructed. It's easier to imagine how people lived here in the old days. But it's not very authentic. How is it different from visiting copies of castles in Disneyland or Las Vegas?

We visited both, here in France. First, we went to Carcassonne. This was a medieval city, with a sturdy, high wall around it, almost impossible to invade. You can see the ramparts - in fact, a double set of thick walls. You can see the slits in the rocks, where the archers shot arrows at attackers. You can see the moat, and the drawbridge, and the portcullis, and the wooden walkways, high above, where the defenders could stand to shoot arrows or drop stones on invaders who tried to scale the walls with ladders.

It is easy to envision Carcassonne's history, when you hear how the Romans first built this fortress, how the Saracens defended this city against Charlemagne in the 800s, and how the Crusaders attacked this city in the 1100s because it was protecting Cathars, who were Christians who had different ways of worshiping than the way approved by Rome.

Carcassonne is probably the best-preserved medieval fortress city in Europe. Many parts of the walls and towers are original. But much of it was reconstructed in the 1800s. Not yesterday, but certainly not during the Middle Ages. And the place is crawling with tourists. Little shops sell lots of plastic swords for kids to play with. So, while Carassonne is awesome, it's also a bit unreal.

By contrast, Les Baux was also once a strong hilltop fortress and castle during the Middle Ages. (It's pronounced 'Lay Bo' but it is also the origin of the word bauxite, a mineral found near here and used to make aluminum.) But when we visited Les Baux, we saw only ruins. We saw authentic stone walls of the castle and the fortress, but it's much harder to imagine what it looked like in its prime. You have to use your imagination. Also, they give you an audio guide, so you can listen to a voice tell you what used to be in each spot, and how people lived.

So - What do you think? Would you rather visit a place like Les Baux, left as it was found? Or Carcassonne, rebuilt to look as it once looked? Please comment!
P.S. This is how prisoners were punished in the Middle Ages; they were put in the stocks and left to stand there for hours. Paul says it is very uncomfortable!


  1. Bonjour, Madame Yang! Je m'appelle Emma. Comment allez-vous? That's cool that you went to Carcassonne. The restoration of it makes it almost like you were there in medieval times. However, Les Baux is also cool. It is more authentic and real. My opinion is that it is better to leave a chateau and let people imagine what it what it looked like back then. Merci for the wonderful posts! Au revoir!

  2. Bonjour, Madame Yang! Je m'appelle Katie. Ruins or reconstruction--that is a good question. I think it would be better to visit Les Baux because you can use your imagination to think of what the chateau looked like. It you repair it, it might not feel like an old chateau from the Middle Ages. Au revoir! (Lee Burneson)

  3. le 23 septembre, francais sixieme, Bonjour, Madame! I think they should keep a chateau in its ruins because then you see what had happened when it burned down or got destroyed in a war, for example. I think Les Baux is a great place to visit since it has not been fixed for many years. I would like to visit Les Baux someday because it is authentic and genuine. Sincerely, Vanessa Lee Burneson

  4. Bonjour, Madame Yang. Je m'appelle Laurent. Ruins or reconstruction--I think we should leave the ruins as is, but construct a model nearby of what it should look like. (Lee Burneson)

  5. le 23 septembre Francais sixieme Bonjour, Madame Yang. Ca va? I think it is better to leave a chateau like Les Baux in ruins because then you won't mess with history and it will be authentic. (Ahmed--LBMS)

  6. Ruins or Reconstruction--I think both because you should be able to go through the chateau, but you should know what it was like back then. I would visit Carcassonne because it's newer and you can walk through it. (Elisabeth--LBMS)

  7. le 23 septembre francais sixieme Bonjour, Madame Yang. Je m'appelle Donald. I think it's better to leave a chateau in ruins because it's more authentic than reconstructed ones. Also, Carcassonne looks awesome. Did you know that there is a game called Carcassonne? It's really fun. You should look it up! Anyway, I would rather visit Carcassonne because it just seems more interesting. Au revoir!

  8. le 23 septembre francais sixieme Bonjour, Madame! Je m'appelle Marie. I have been very excited to come to French class everday to see what you have posted! I think that it would be more authentic if your visit a chateau that was not reconstructed. Thanks for reading my comment!

  9. Bonjour, Madae Yang! Je m'appelle Emma. I think you should leave the chateau in ruins because the reconstructed ones don't have their original features or their personality. I would rather visit the chateau that wasn't redone. (LBMS)

  10. Bonjour, Madame Yang. Je m'appelle Sean. I think they should leave the chateaux the way they were long ago. If you want to visit a chateau you want to see how it was and feel the same way the people did back in the medieval times. (Lee Burneson)

  11. I think the coolest thing you visited was the ruins of Les Baux. The place seems so authentic and interesting, and really fun to walk though. I love these kinds of things! They're so interesting to see and learn about. You're making me want a summer visit there! (Theo--LBMS)

  12. Thanks for your comments, Emma, Katie, Vanessa, Laurent, Ahmed, Elisabeth, Donald, Marie, Emma, Sean and Theo! It's fun for me to hear your opinions.

  13. Here's my opinion. I like visiting places that have been reconstructed to look just like they did in the old days, with the features and personality of the original. In China, they are spending money to reconstruct some historical sites, and some people criticize them for this. But I think it's a good idea. I'm glad the French government spent money to do this in some places. But I'm also glad they left other places in ruins, so we can see both. I learned a lot about history this way.
